AFCON offers guidance about Academic Freedom through the issuance of occasional statements, through the publication of principles, and through direct advocacy.
Since its organization in 1988, AFCON has:
- Race, Sex, and Academic Freedom in Elementary Education
- AFCON Opposes New Regents Free Expression Policy
- Statement on Sexuality and Academic Freedom
- Statement: A Teacher's Guide to Religion in the Public Schools
- Principles of Academic Freedom
- Intellectual Freedom Defined
Since its organization in 1988, AFCON has:
- supported with letters, counsel, and personal appearances those who have been threatened with sanctions and censorship in their pursuit of free expression;
- promulgated and developed policies and procedures as tools for schools and other institutions who must respond to challenges to free expression;
- recognized, by the bestowing of the AFCON Academic Freedom Award , Nebraskans who have shown outstanding acts of support for intellectual freedom;
- co-sponsored conferences and presentations on such subjects as: student rights and censorship of books (with ACLU Nebraska); students' freedom of expression (with NHPA); and the censorship of Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn (with NELAC);
- hosted nationally prominent speakers, notably Nadine Strossen and Marcia Pally of the ACLU, Jerzy Kosinski, author, for events in Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, and Crete, and Dr. William Ayers;
- held annual meetings involving local experts and members of constituent organizations on topics such as - censorship in Nebraska schools, censorship of the arts, military censorship, political correctness, political double-speak, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, freedom on the Internet, and the teaching of diverse issues;
- supported cable public access and freedom on the Internet through informational activities, news releases, and personal testimony;
- made presentations and reports at the state and national conferences of the groups of which AFCON constituents are members;
- provided speakers, panelists, workshops, and resources on censorship issues wherever possible;
- researched and encouraged legislation on student freedom of expression rights;
- met with school administrators to advise on the creation of freedom-friendly student codes of conduct, and
- conducted a panel discussion on teaching evolution and intelligent design.