32nd AFCON Annual Meeting
“Hazelwood Revisited: Restoring Free Expression Rights of Student Journalists” Saturday, October 12, 2019
Andersen Hall, UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications 16th and Q, Lincoln
Andersen Hall, UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications 16th and Q, Lincoln
Two Academic Freedom Awards Presented!
Bob Haller presents a 2019 Academic Freedom Award to Senator Julie Slama for her work on LB399.
John Bender presents a 2019 Academic Freedom Award to Senator Adam Morfeld for his work on LB206.
"A Tangled Issue: Student Freedom of Expression"
Readers Theatre performed by Angels Theatre Company.
Panel Discussion: Protecting First Amendment Rights of Nebraska Student Journalists
Participants left to right: Cathy Kuhlmeier, Emily Nelson (Student Newspaper Editor, Bellevue East High School), Stephenie Conley (Publications Adviser, Bellevue East High School), Kaitlynn Johnson (Journalism Student at UNL and formerly Millard West High), Senator Adam Morfeld (LB206 Sponsor), and John Bender (Moderator).